Fun Facts About HVAC System

Fun Facts About HVAC System

Posted by Access Doors and Panels on 28th Oct 2020

Fun Facts About HVAC System

Learning about your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning ( HVAC) system may not seem like an exciting topic, but it has some fun facts you might enjoy knowing. You might even be surprised about some of it. Now, you might be wondering, "What's so fun about the heating and cooling industry?" It can also be a great conversational topic when you have your HVAC technician in your home and want to keep the boredom at bay.

Access Doors and Panels is here to give you some fun facts about the heating and cooling history entertaining while also being informative. You'll be surprised at the many facts we've uncovered from different websites and sources all over the internet.

1. The very first building to have air conditioning in it was the New York Stock Exchange.

2. Did you know that even during the times of the Roman, there were already air heating systems? You've read it right-- the Romans were the first to use an air heating system and had heated floors during the winter.

3. The origin of "summer break" for children started before HVAC units. In the past, people thought that summers were too hot for children to learn, so they had to end classes and have "summer breaks."

4. If there is one common myth that most people believe in, it is the belief that closing air conditioning unit registers or air vents to save electricity and money. It can cause the unit to have problems due to extreme pressure on the compressor.

5. In 1820, British Scientist Michael Faraday discovered that by compressing and liquefying ammonia gas, you could chill an adjacent substance when ammonia was left to evaporate. Faraday's findings are the first record of the idea of air conditioning.

6. Willis Carter invented the first modern air conditioning unit in 1902. It was for a publishing company in New York to keep temperatures and humidity low. It helped make their paper a more consistent product.

7. Installing ceiling fans might seem like an excellent way to cool off, but they do very little to cool a unit, so it is better to turn your fans off in unoccupied rooms to avoid a high utility bill.

8. Scientists discovered that people who live in air-conditioned environments lose some of their natural heat tolerance.

9. The first fully air-conditioned home was built back in 1913 in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, its owner, Charles Gates, never got to use it since he died first.

10. A North Carolina textile manufacturer was the one who coined the term "air conditioning" after air-cooling technology improved the quality of the fabric produced in the plant.

11. In estimation, the amount of energy used just on air conditioning and heat in the United States exceeds the entire continent of Africa in terms of the total amount of energy used.

12. If there is a massive contribution by the development of modern air conditioning to medical technology, it is that it has allowed for advances in medical technology, reduction in the spread of diseases, longer human life expectancy, and also vastly increased employee productivity.

13. Herbert Hoover was the first President to own and enjoy air conditioning in the White House, at the cost of $30,000 for installation in the oval office, just after the Great Depression. Now, isn't this a fun fact?

14. Did you know that the very first glimpse of the modern HVAC industry was in 1758? Ben Franklin and John Hadley discovered that evaporating alcohol and other similar substances cool down objects, enough to freeze water.

15. In 1939, Packard Motor Company introduced the first car with air conditioning. Back then, however, it wasn't trendy because of its high cost, and half of the trunk space was taken up by the system.

16. The HVAC industry also changed the architectural industry. Before the advent of air conditioners, architects used high ceilings, porches, breezeways, and landscaping that provided shade to keep occupants cool, for designing homes and buildings.

17. Before the introduction of air conditioning, the output settings (now called AC units) were called "ice power"-- how many blocks of ice it would take to create cooling power.

18. Artisan Ding Huan invented a 10-foot full rotating fan made of seven connecting wheels in 180 AD China. It was a single operator that could power the device and cool an entire hall by turning a crank.

19. There are about 60% of homes heated with gas-fired forced-air furnaces.

20. There was a patent for one of the first modern air conditioners called "an apparatus for treating air."

Out of all these weird, but interesting facts about HVAC systems, which one made you scratch your head? I'm sure you've tried searching at least one of these facts to see if they were real or fake. Let's go back through time and discover how HVAC systems have evolved throughout the age.

From Romans using an air heating system to warm their floors to Herbert Hoover spending $30,000 after the Great Depression, the HVAC system has come a long way. Hopefully, we'll be able to see more ideas on how HVAC systems can evolve and become more efficient than yesterday.

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28th Oct 2020 Posted by Access Doors and Panels